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By investing in our nonprofit, you allow us to continue offer salvation to those who need it most and have lost hope. Thank you!

We can’t do it

without you

“Even just existing was unbearable pain.”

Hello, I’m Rafael Testai. Founder and developer of I wanted to tell you a story about how the Bible saved my life.

When I was a teenager, over 15 years ago, somebody special gifted me an NLT Bible with my name engraved on it in gold text, as a bday present.

I never opened it, but I never threw it away. Because who throws away a Bible that has your name engraved on it? (It's too valuable, even when you don't think about using it)

Fast forward 15 years, and I found myself in a domestic violence relationship. The female perpetrator that abused me was taken by police and is facing felony DV charges.

My life was destroyed.

It was 3AM, and I was alone in my house. I don't smoke or drink, and I needed to distract myself from the pain I was feeling. Even just existing was unbearable pain.

At that moment, the Devil whispered in my ear, and suggested I end it all.

So I crawled towards my library bookshelf. The pain was so deep that it was debilitating. I scanned the bookshelf for a book that would take away the pain and distract me.

But nothing caught my attention. None of my engineering or business books could do it…

In the corner of the bookshelf, I found the dusty NLT Bible with my name engraved in it. I told myself "If this doesn't do it, I think it may be the end of me."

So blew the dust off of it, and cracked it open for the first time in my life.

I googled how to read a Bible, and it said to flip back to the proverbs.

I started reading, with tears in my eyes. There, I found the wisdom that had been escaping me my whole life.

I ran across "The Immoral Woman" passage in the Proverbs, and David's Psalms. I could relate to all the characters.

At that moment, I stopped feeling alone. The Bible kept me alive. (I'm not a suicidal person, but that night I was on the brink of not wanting to be here anymore).

I began reading the Bible every night. I made it part of my night routine. I couldn't wait to get home and crack open the Bible and start reading. What new golden nugget of wisdom will I find in the proverbs?

I asked God "I owe you my life for saving me from this woman. I'll be your soldier. Assign me any task, and I will carry it out to completion."

A week later, God assigned me the task to create, a free AI app I programmed that saves the lives of victims of DV.

Part of Statute FINDER’s nonprofit's vision is to gift users of our ai app, a free Bibles with their names engraved in it. can give victims justice, but the Bible can save their soul.

My hope is that the victim who uses our app, may not even be Christian at all. But they will do what I did, which is to at least KEEP it in their bookshelf, for when the Devil whispers in their ear, and they'll crack it open, and ultimately spare their lives in their moments of greatest despair. It will be the last layer of safety that they have in their bookshelf, waiting to save them.

Thank you for reading to the end. I’d love to have you on our team. Your support can make a real difference. Please consider paying it forward with a donation—no matter the size, it’s meaningful. Everything we do for survivors is free, as part of my promise to God. Your generosity helps keep this vital work alive.