Did you know you could be a victim of domestic violence without realizing it? If so, you may get back your home for free and evict the abuser if you file an order of protection with "exclusive property rights" for free and with no attorney. Make sure to cite statutes from StatuteFINDER.org in your OOP, plus evidence. Follow these 5 steps in the printable PDFs below.



Watch video tutorial, step by step

Watch her testimony

Sonia Owchariw, rape survivor: “It’s very important for domestic violence shelters to have computers that allow people of Domestic Violence to use StatuteFINDER.org because time is of the essence. We as victims of DV need "statute of limitations" immediately to go to court, file TROs (Temporary Restraining Orders) and to keep ourselves safe.”

“It has to be more simple. Less talking, more acting.”

“Advocates didn't have time to talk to me, I had to wait. So while they (DV Shelters) were telling me to apply for food stamps, I'm like, I don't really need food stamps. I need safety! I need housing after this. StatuteFINDER helped me with that.”

Make StatuteFINDER.org part of your shelter’s onboarding process, today