StatuteFINDER is easy and free to use. No technical experience needed. Here’s how to guide a survivor through it:
Steps to Start:
Go to
Input the survivor’s story into the chat. Type it as if you’re telling a detailed account to a trusted friend.
Explain in detail, including key events and impacts. Two paragraphs are ideal.
Keep names private to maintain anonymity.
Ask follow-up questions on behalf of the survivor, such as, “Is this financial abuse in this state?” or “What evidence would support this?”
Clear your browser history or click “delete” after helping a survivor to start fresh for the next session.
Guide the survivor: Say, “I’ll ask the chatbot for step-by-step instructions on filing forms or representing yourself,” and then follow the chatbot’s guidance to help them through each step.
Good Questions to Ask on Behalf of the Survivor:
How do we get an order of protection?
What should we know before speaking to the police?
How do we start a divorce process?
What are the survivor’s rights if they have a disability?
Can a survivor report abuse to the police, even if they’re an undocumented resident of the U.S.?
Can we file for custody while dealing with domestic violence? What are the forms?
How can a survivor prepare for a court hearing?
How do we update or correct a police report after it’s been filed?
Important Note: StatuteFINDER shares information, not legal advice. It guides to useful resources but won’t tell you what to do.
Avoid inputting short or random phrases. Complete sentences help get better responses.
Don’t use terms like “neglect” or “financial abuse” without a backstory. Share the full story so StatuteFINDER can identify relevant statutes.
Don’t expect automatic understanding. Be clear and detailed for the most accurate results.
Questions or Feedback?
Not getting the results you expected? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us at